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[E] Aquaphobia
[E] Aquaphobia
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over 13 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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On this day eleven years ago, two terrorist plans hit the famous World Trade Center or the Twin Towers. Another plane hit the Pentagon in Virginia and the last one crashed into fields in Pennsylvania after the passangers bravely fought back. Thousands of people died and many were affected. If you were one of those people, then you can share your story here. This is my story: I was only four that day and my parents took me home after they learned what had happened. They were very sad and frightened. My father had jury duty near the building, but luckily survived. But unfortunately, one of our neighbors lost their loved one. The family was given flowers and donations. To this day, I still remember that day because I am a New Yorker and my high school is next to the site. It saddens me till this day but also made me see a new side of bravery in the Americans who risked their lives to help. Have feelings, stories, anything you want to share feel free. Dedicated to the innocent people that were killed that day. ~Justin~
over 12 years ago
Japan - 0 OUT Mongolia - 0 OUT Spain - 0 OUT Belgium - 0 OUT The Netherlands - 0 OUT Nigeria - 0 OUT Cuba - 0 OUT Italy - 0 OUT This is how the Panem begins. (Hunger Games setting)
over 13 years ago
Server is down, your firewall is blocking, or you forgot to update/Server still in 1.2.3 and you updated.
over 13 years ago
I was really fine with what happened. I know AZN in real life, and he is a good friend. I know he won't harass anyone else, only me and SomeNinja (but we are all cool with this). I had to be honest when telling the staff (I can't lie to Irethena). If you let him off the hook, it will be fine with me.
over 13 years ago
Meet you on Mumble and you became one of my best friends in Minetown. I never knew what one person could do to love Link, but you changed that. It was awesome when we talked together on Mumble with your awesome accent, help Lucylooseleggs and Arv with the maze. You were fun of great ideas. I already posted on your will saying this, but yeah. You my pal. Hope I could see you again so I can splash water at you. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> If this is my final goodbye, then...good luck. Thank you for helping me in my interview with Lomanic. http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/2344876-interview-important-people-part-7-lomanic-starring-irethena-dancraft
over 13 years ago